Access the top 1% of sales talent on PhoneSales AI
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Two Comma Club Award 2020 & 2022
Check any sales reps call previous call recordings, KPI stats, and more.
This means reps are motivated to make sales and you're not paying out of pocket.
We conduct thousands of interviews each month to find the top sales talent and add them to our platform.
It was created by a sales agency to assist businesses in finding a steady stream of top sales talent. Before we founded two sales agency's and recruiting sales talent using was the common denominator of exponential growth.
Sign Up NowThere are a lot of things you need to do to attract and recruit top-tier talent, and it's neither cheap, quick, nor easy. It’s not wise to interview only 3-5 people and make your hiring decision from that pool. You need to speak with at least 20, sometimes even 50 candidates before deciding - if you want the best people on your team. That's why we build the
We sift through thousands of applications each month, and only move forward with the top 10% of candidates to an interview.
Our hiring managers with 10+ years of sales & recruiting experience conduct a full scale interview including a full investigation into the candidates personality, professionality, and in-depth mock roleplay. Everything is recorded and attached to the candidates profile -- if they pass the interview. Ready for you to view.
If a candidate passes, you can access the full profiles of individuals who have completed the entire recruitment process, and select your top choices. You will have access to over 1,000+ high-ticket closers to choose from
Here's a sneak peak of what you'll see...
An entire suite of AI-powered technology to assess candidates & help hire the the best reps for company
If you can't make a hire in the first 30 days, get your money back no questions asked.
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